Monday, November 11, 2013

Association Two: Aftershocks

After I spent the last post discussing when associative devices really work, I’d like to go back to passages I’ve encountered that, to me, really don’t. 

Perhaps you have seen this series of mystery novels by Monica Ferris, in which needlework shop owner Betsy Devonshire solves crimes in the suburban, lakeside town of Excelsior, Minnesota, which in this universe has a murder rate roughly equivalent to Detroit:

Yes, these books are just as goofy as they look.  I have read several of them.  The less said about this, the better*. 

*Okay fine I know I’m acting super elitist about this series, so to make up for it I have to admit that they are not without their own comforting, whimsical charm; like spending the afternoon gossiping with your grandmother over coffee and almond cookies.